We believe in the power of debate and value your right to freedom of speech, so comment threads will be turned on for our features.

We also think it’s important to shield our Featured Voices from aggression, and don’t want them to feel anxious or burdened by the comments below their stories.

Threads will therefore be moderated and users can report any comments that might need a second look from us. We retain the right to remove any which breach our Kindness First policy.

kindness first

At a time when rates of suicide, anxiety and depression are climbing, we have an individual and social responsibility to interact online with empathy and kindness.

A desire to share opinions shouldn’t come above another person’s emotional wellbeing.

Before you comment on a Lacuna Voices feature, please consider:

*Are your words kind?

*Would you say this to a friend or loved one?

*If the person in the feature were to read your comment, how might they feel?

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and committing to putting kindness first when commenting.

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind”